The English Setter Association

Welcome To The English Setter Association website.

This is the national breed club for the English Setter in the United Kingdom. It was founded in 1951 and has around 650 members worldwide. The English Setter Association aims to support those who own the breed as companions as well as those who wish to show their dogs. These pages will provide information on all aspects of owning an English Setter as well as all activities of the Association and its members.

Kennel Club Health Standard and requirements for English Setters

The Kennel Club has recently published a new ‘Health Standard’ for good breeding practice, with recommendations for each breed. The English Setter Health Committee has worked with the Kennel Club for many years, but does not agree with the recommendations in the current Health Standard. The Committee continues to work with the Kennel Club to propose changes to the next revision of the standard.

The English Setter clubs have all agreed to recommendations made by the Joint English Setter Health Committee, on what health tests should be completed for dogs used in breeding programmes, and new potential owners should ask and expect the following from breeders:

That both parents have been Hip – X-rayed and scored through a recognised Scheme. Such schemes would be the BVA/KC UK scheme – these will be viewable on the health test result finder on the KC website, the Australian Hip scoring Scheme or the European Hip Scoring scheme - these will not be visible on the KC website currently.

Many breeders now hearing test (BAER) their breeding dogs and puppies. Deafness can be in one or both ears. The rate of deafness in the breed is low, 4.5% are deaf in one ear, and 0.5% are deaf in both ears.

Imported (not born in the UK) dogs used for breeding
Should be PRA4 and NCL DNA tested. These conditions are rare, and are not found in the UK population so there is no requirement to test.

Not required
BVA/KC Elbow scoring. Whilst owners may choose to elbow x-ray their dogs, there has never been a prevalence of elbow dysplasia in the breed that has required the breed to be part of this scheme. 

Simon Pitts
Breed Health Co-ordinator


ESA Championship Show 2025

Paper Schedule's & entry forms will be available from ESA Hon Secretary
Christopher Bird  at the end of the January. Or to download a copy now, 
click Fosse Data


At the 2024 AGM and due to rising costs, Treasurer, Mrs. Val Isherwood proposed that the membership fee should increase to £12.00 from 1st January 2025. This motion was carried by all attending. The ESA have held their joint £10.00 UK membership fee static since 2002.  This change still represents excellent value for money considering that a free member yearbook and winter newsletter are included in this fee.

Will now increase to £12.00 single or joint per annum

If you already pay by Standing Order, please adjust your payment
Any BACS payment should be made to:
The English Setter Association
Lloyds Bank Ltd
Bank Sort Code 30.97.13.   Account number 01057084

To identify payer, please show name and post code as transfer reference
Or if payment by cheque, your post code on the back

Due to postal costs, reminders will no longer be sent out.
Thank you for your assistance regarding the above.

Val Isherwood
Hon. Treasurer
English Setter Association

ESA 71st Championship Show 2024

 You can watch the recorded streaming of the English Setter Association Championship Show produced 
 by Show Dog Media by using this 

Advice on buying an English Setter Puppy

During the Covid 19 lockdown period demand for puppies increased, together with unscrupulous people ready to take advantage of this situation. Highly inflated prices have been shown for English Setter puppies on some of the commercial websites since. If you are considering buying an English Setter puppy the advice is to do your research first, especially if you have not owned the breed before. You can visit the Kennel Clubs 'BePuppywise' campaign, see for information, or contact English Setter Association members who comply with the clubs 'Code of Ethics', see Ethics.pdf.

Is the puppy you are buying registered with the Kennel Club from a reputable breeder. If the puppy has no Kennel Club registration the breeding could be questionable and from a puppy farmer or an irresponsible breeder. Reputable English Setters breeders have a considerable knowledge, an understanding of breeding, pedigrees, diet and health conditions. The puppy should be seen with its mother, both parents should have been hip scored, micro-chipped and these days are mostly BAER (hearing) tested, documentation should include all details together with Kennel Registration and a minimum 3 Generation Pedigree.  The price paid is up to the purchaser, but please be aware that the puppy will require inoculations and to raise a puppy correctly the cost of feeding your new addition should also be considered
.  When buying also make sure that the puppy meets the Kennel Club's recommendations and the Associations Code of Ethics.  Reputable breeders will always provide information on the puppy’s diet and worming advice, new owners can rest assured that their new puppy has been well reared. You will also be able to get help and support for your puppy if needed.

Details of available litters can be found on the English Setter Association website. Contact puppy co-ordinator Chris Bird on or
 make an enquiry with one of our listed breeders, click English Setter links

If further information is needed please contact any English Setter Association member or ESA Secretary, Christopher Bird at

esaw logoe

English Setter Association Welfare (ESAW)
has gained charitable status

We are pleased to announce that having received notification from the Charity commission ESAW has been entered onto the Register of Charities and is now a registered charity.

A special mention and our thanks must be made to Gill Paterson,  Linda Lawson and Suzanne McDowell for their outstanding fundraising efforts for ESAW.

For the Rescue, Rehoming & Welfare of English Setters in the UK.

Meet the Officers & Committee


Chair Lady
Miss Glenis Williams


Mrs Penny Williams


Mrs Val Isherwood


Mr Christopher Bird


Mrs. P. Colton
Mr. R. Green

Mrs. V. Hollis
Mrs. C. Jennings - Sharman


Mrs. W. Johnston
Mr. N. Kelly
Mr. P. Lawton
Mrs. T. Lewis


Mr. G. Morroll
Mrs. C. Normansell
Mr. S. Pitts
Mrs. B Seaman
Mr. E .Stephenson


Mrs. K. Stephenson
Mrs H. Stewart
Mr. A. Swannell 
Mrs. C. J. Tucker 
Mrs. D. Watts 


Please use this link to email us with your enquiry